It's 2015 and you're probably feeling settled into what January has brought with it...
However, are you finding it tricky to keep up with a strict new diet regime?
Are you struggling to keep your weight in check but are desperate to get fit this year?
Don't stress. Becoming a healthier person doesn't mean you have to rush or feel guilty.
It just means you have to think differently about your body and how you treat it.
Food is Fuel
Yep, it definitely is. It's what we need to survive, gain nutrients from and ultimately allow to us to go about our daily lives. As long as you start seeing food as energy which fuels you, it changes howyou view the things which you are putting into your body.
A lazy day at home? Less fuel needed.
Rushing around the shops? Top ups needed throughout the day.
What you eat depends on how much you're going to burn off and therefore how much fuel is required.
Keep checking back for updates on how to make this your healthiest year so far!