Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Fast, No Equipment Workout!

Don't have time to get to the gym?
No fancy fitness equipment at home?
No problem!
Check out this simple, fast workout to get that body into shape for 2015!

Paleo Breakfast Ideas!

Simple recipes that mean you're not held back by your dietary requirements or simply a new food venture for 2015..


  1. 1 cup almond flour
  2. 3 tablespoons coconut flour
  3. 1 apple, diced
  4. 3 eggs, beaten
  5. 2-3 tablespoons honey
  6. 1-2 tablespoons cinnamon (depending on how much you like cinnamon)
  7. 1/4 cup coconut oil
  8. 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Take large mixing bowl and add flours, cinnamon, and baking soda. Mix.
  3. Once mixed, add apples, eggs, honey, and coconut oil to mixture and mix well again.
  4. Prepare muffin tin with liners and add batter.
  5. Place tin in oven and bake for 30 minutes or until done.
  6. Enjoy once they cool off or you lose your patience while waiting.


  1. 3 bananas
  2. 3 eggs
  3. Cooking oil of your choice
  4. 1/4 cup almond butter
  5. Whatever toppings you want

  1. Place bananas and eggs in bowl and mash until smooth.
  2. Add almond butter to mixture and mix again.
  3. Heat oil in pan on low and place batter in pan in whatever shape you like.
  4. Cook until pancakes are browned to your liking.
  5. Add toppings and enjoy!


  1. 1/2 cup almond milk
  2. 1/2 cup berries (whichever berries you like)
  3. Spinach (as much as looks good - typically a couple of small handfuls)
  4. 1 banana
  5. 1/2 a regular avocado
  6. 2 tablespoons honey
  7. Ice (a couple of handfuls works well)

  1. Add all ingredients to blender.
  2. Blend until the mixture is of the consistency that you want.
  3. Enjoy!


Tuesday, 20 January 2015

2015 Healthy Meal Ideas.. Breakfasts

Breakfast is most definitely the most important meal of the day, especially if you've got a long wait until lunch time.

A good mix of different food groups is important in order to keep energy levels high and so you're ready to start the day. A cup of caffeine alone is unlikely to keep you going for long.

Oats with berries and nuts 
Scrambled eggs on toast with salmon
Weetabix with bananas and almonds
Yoghurt with pineapple and chia seeds
Pancakes with raisins and greek yoghurt
If you're in a rush or grabbing lunch on the move, opt for porridge or a fruit and nut bar 

It's also important to stay hydrated and keeping that metabolism high, so rather than a sugary drink, opt for a simple tea or bottled water - it can be flavoured if the sugar content is low!

Check back for lunch time tips..

A Healthier, Fitter and Happier 2015!

It's 2015 and you're probably feeling settled into what January has brought with it...
However, are you finding it tricky to keep up with a strict new diet regime?
Are you struggling to keep your weight in check but are desperate to get fit this year?

Don't stress. Becoming a healthier person doesn't mean you have to rush or feel guilty.
It just means you have to think differently about your body and how you treat it.

Food is Fuel
Yep, it definitely is. It's what we need to survive, gain nutrients from and ultimately allow to us to go about our daily lives. As long as you start seeing food as energy which fuels you, it changes howyou view the things which you are putting into your body.
A lazy day at home? Less fuel needed.
Rushing around the shops? Top ups needed throughout the day.

What you eat depends on how much you're going to burn off and therefore how much fuel is required.

Keep checking back for updates on how to make this your healthiest year so far!