Wednesday 14 November 2012

Toning Up Diet Tips!

By Zoe Glass

If you want a lean, shapely body, exercise is vital, but just as important is what you eat. When you are deciding what foods to eat when toning muscles, you need to keep in mind the nutritional requirements and needs of your whole body, and work toward a balanced diet that sustains your energy for exercise, helps your body burn fat, and offers plenty of vitamins and minerals. For special dietary needs, such as those related to diabetes or pregnancy, consult your physician before beginning a new eating plan.


When toning muscles, you are breaking them down so your body can rebuild them. Protein is the essential ingredient in this process, according to Daniel Burke, author of "Fast Fat Loss Plan." He notes that people who don't get enough protein tend to have poor muscle tone and are also more susceptible to illness because protein is essential for supporting your immune system. Make sure you get plenty of protein from healthy sources such as low-fat dairy, legumes, nuts, seeds and lean meat.

High-Fiber Food

You don't want your toned muscles hidden beneath a layer of fat, so it is important to reach your ideal weight. The Mayo Clinic recommends eating plenty of high-fiber foods because they are known to aid weight loss. High-fiber food promotes digestive health, which is essential for banishing a bloated belly, and it helps you feel full longer. Many fruits and most vegetables are high in fiber, so eat a wide variety, such as leafy greens, asparagus, cabbage and mushrooms. Also eat whole-grain bread, rice, pasta and cereal instead of white or refined grains.

Fat-Burning Foods

Fat-burning foods, along with exercise, will put your metabolism into overdrive and help achieve your muscle toning goals. Vitamin C is one of nature's fat-burning tools, as research reported in the "Journal of the American College of Nutrition" suggests. Subjects who had adequate vitamin C levels burned up to 30 percent more fat during exercise than people who were vitamin C-deficient. To make sure you're getting enough vitamin C, have an orange or a grapefruit as a pre- or post-workout snack. Not only will it boost your nutrient levels, but the water content will help you stay hydrated.

Meal Planning

When you are toning muscles, you should eat small, evenly spaced meals with approximately equal amounts of protein and carbohydrates. According to "Easy Natural Weight Loss," the protein will boost your metabolism and fill you up, and your body will burn 20 percent of protein calories just breaking it down for fuel. Adding high-fiber foods such as fruit and vegetables to your meal will help promote digestive health, ensure you get the vitamins and minerals you need, and add flavor and variety.

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